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I have a question, can I slap on the PE wading trunks on Tarawa Shermans or did they land via LST's?
Toby, Michael's (mopnglo) responce, while accurate isn't the end of the story. From what I learned during the same campaign, it appears that the Pacific Theatre Sherman's came in a number of configurations. The earliest, as Michael pointed out, were minimally waterproofed. After a few experiences they started fitting them with "field modified" wading stacks. The predominant ones for the theatre had sheet metal bases over the exhaust and air intake areas with the top part being the body of a 50/55 gal. (200 l?) drum open at both ends.
Here's a couple of examples (FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY).
The first is obviously one with the trunks cut down. The second picture is of the standard configuration. Further images of these can be found at
Henk of Holland's Site.
According to Armorama's resident Pacific Campaign expert Bob Card (BobCard, Pacific Campaign leader), the larger squared off wading trunks that you see on Dragon's Deep Wading Gear Shermans were for the most part not used in the Pacific. What I mean is like those that appear in my review
here. He did mention to me that a few might have been available near the end of the war.
Hope this helps!