New Italeri M-10 Achilles Tank Destroyer.

Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 07:39 AM UTC
Hi all,
Italeri have announced a new kit of the M-10 Achilles. It's described as a new kit on the website. I don't think it's a reissue as I don't recall Italeri ever releasing this kit before. Here is a link to the Italeri website. good news for Allied modelers.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 07:59 AM UTC
Interesting. I'm hesitant to buy Italeri armor kits. However the AFV Achilles has some issues that are hard to correct without a lot of skill and patience. I wonder if you would be able to combine the two kits for a more accurate Achilles model?
I look forward to seeing a review of this kit.
New York, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 08:10 AM UTC
Saw this 1 the other day in the Recent Arrivals section of the site that I buy from and it looked interesting but it didnt have any comments or description, I guess its too new
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 08:20 AM UTC
Looking at the sprues it is a rebox of the Academy kit right down to the stowage...So the only thing new here are the decals ..sorry guys ..No new Achilles here!!
Texas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 08:35 AM UTC
Allow me to join you in venting for a moment Richard... ahem....

Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 09:37 AM UTC

I can't figure out why Italeri would do a rebox of an Academy kit. I know, I know no research and development costs. They do have the ability to produce some nice new kits. If it is a rebox then it's a shame. It will probably be twice the cost of the Academy kit.
I think that they have done a good job on the recent AB40 series and Sahariana Camionetta kits.
Oh well the newly announced Tiger Hibryd is probably also a rebox. Sorry.
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 10:00 AM UTC
Still, good looking boxart & decals!
- Jeff
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 10:23 AM UTC
The Academy kit isn't really bad - the interior is good, the hull is good, and the slight dimensional errors are mainly in the "long" turret and the undersized muzzle brake. As long as you don't mind getting an AM barrel it builds up better than the AFV Club model.
I've seen the Italeri rebox on Evilbay for £15-£20, so no more than the Academy-branded kit. Bricks&mortar prices will of course be higher...
Of course, I'd like to see Tamiya do a new-tool Achilles - anyone got Mr T's phone number?...
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 10:58 AM UTC
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The Academy kit isn't really bad - the interior is good, the hull is good, and the slight dimensional errors are mainly in the "long" turret and the undersized muzzle brake. As long as you don't mind getting an AM barrel it builds up better than the AFV Club model.
I've seen the Italeri rebox on Evilbay for £15-£20, so no more than the Academy-branded kit. Bricks&mortar prices will of course be higher...
Of course, I'd like to see Tamiya do a new-tool Achilles - anyone got Mr T's phone number?...
Depends on what you consider "not too bad." The upper hull is far too deep, the top deck too narrow, and the rear of the hull is shortened. None of these errors would seem to be related to the dimensional fudging needed to motorize the kit for the Asian market--they seem to stem from plain old shoddy research. Academy has an excellent engineering staff, and their tooling is as good as Tamiya's from about ten years ago (quite acceptable, in other words, with sharp details and generally good fit). But they have the world's laziest research team, and they have repeatedly offered kits saddled with completely unnecessary mistakes. Indeed, when they release a kit that isn't a disaster, like their M12 or M113, it is a cause for wonder and celebration.
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 11:23 AM UTC
True - it's all a matter of perspective. I know the hull was a bit short (the back is too upright), but the other dimensions didn't really stand out enough to bother me. (Unlike the AFV offering with the wrong shaped hatches!) Still, it's much better than the old Tamiya M36 dog, and I doubt we'll get another "new" kit in the near future!
I have the M12 (a nice kit) and have heard good things about the M113 - is it worth getting?
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 04:49 PM UTC
Lazy? Let me tell you about lazy. I know a well-known Allied armor authority who personally sent Ord Dept drawings for the M10 GMC series to Academy. They just ignored them.
I just shake my head. I have a copy of those drawings and can make a better tank out of scratch than what Academy did.
Roy Chow
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Posted: Friday, August 13, 2010 - 01:59 AM UTC
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... and have heard good things about the M113 - is it worth getting?
Tom, it is the most accurate of the three available M113 FOV kits (old Tamiya, Academy and Italeri).
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 13, 2010 - 03:05 AM UTC
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Lazy? Let me tell you about lazy. I know a well-known Allied armor authority who personally sent Ord Dept drawings for the M10 GMC series to Academy. They just ignored them.
I just shake my head. I have a copy of those drawings and can make a better tank out of scratch than what Academy did.
Story like that upsets me. As much as I want them to produce good products, Academy's arrogance pisses me off. i.e. what they did with Sheridan tank was unacceptable and ridicules us modellers. It's not laziness. It's degrading us.
What Italeri did with M-10 here is definitely lazy. Reboxing is economical for the company I suppose. Enough with venting.. TGIF though!

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Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 02:09 PM UTC
I chose Academy's M10 over AFV's. I realize they both have problems, but I think the most glaring is the turret shape - Academy's is a bit too narrow and a bit too long, which is obvious when the turret is at the 12 o'cock position. The mantlet really blocks the forward hatches. On the other hand, AFV's turret is too short and too wide - the exact opposite of Academy's turret - and looks odd. I decided that Academy was less of a dog than AFV.
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Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 10:40 PM UTC
Biggles, I know the Academy turret is too long, but I think the real thing also blocked the hatches to some extent - that's why they were hinged to angle forward as they opened. The Academy hinges don't have enough "angle" to them, though.
Blocked hatches were a perrenial problem with tank designs...
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Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 01:02 AM UTC
Then again for those that just like to build models and 100% accuracy is not an issue this kit still looks like it will make a nice model, even without 100% accuracy.
On the re-boxing
We know Italeri re box Academy and Cyber Hobby re-box old Dragon kits
Who else is doing this.
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Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 03:00 AM UTC
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Then again for those that just like to build models and 100% accuracy is not an issue this kit still looks like it will make a nice model, even without 100% accuracy.
On the re-boxing
We know Italeri re box Academy and Cyber Hobby re-box old Dragon kits
Who else is doing this.
The list of reboxing companies is very long and sometimes convoluted. For example, when Peerless Max went under, Italeri gained their molds. Testors reissued many of Italeri and ex-Peerless Max kits. Italeri also reboxed Dragon kits. When Esci went out of business, Italeri gained their molds as well. Several common "Italeri" kits are ex-Peerless Max, ex-Esci and reboxed Dragon kits.
Revell of Germany also reboxes Italeri kits as does Zvezda.
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Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 03:14 AM UTC
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Then again for those that just like to build models and 100% accuracy is not an issue this kit still looks like it will make a nice model, even without 100% accuracy.
Paul, don't get me wrong - I know I have a bad case of Advanced Modeller's Syndrome - but I still have the Academy kit because I like it and it builds up very nice! (And if you don't take out a scale rule & a set of blueprints it really does look like an M10...) Sometimes those of us with scale affliction can get a bit too wrapped up in the minutiae of absolute accuracy without having the fun of building. In my opinion for the asking price of about £20 the Italeri re-pop is worth getting.
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Missouri, United States
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Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 03:49 AM UTC
Most all Academy kits BLOW! they can't seem to get their head out of their ass!
I have known many modellers that has supplied them with so much reference over the years on to have them keep their eyes closed!
They Suck!
Chris Mrosko
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