Hi guys and girls,
Another good review for us to peruse, thanks mate.
Things are looking up for those of us who make British armed forces, and other nations that wore the British BD, and its all thanks to MiniArt!
I dont have these figures YET! but, especially as I am an ex-Sapper myself, and tend to concentrate on British figures and equipment, there will definately be more than one set of these bought.
Yes, there are the usual "MiniArt niggles", the lack of bayonets, questionable ammo-pouch/respirator haversack sizes and rifle slings already moulded in place, but these are all surmountable, personally, Im just glad that there is another set of British figures available.
These, combined with the other MA figure sets, now at long last, give us something to work with, without having to resort to expensive, usually single, metal or resin figures.
Ive already got a few conversions in mind!
Looking forward to more MA BRITISH figures and their subsequent reviews.
Regards to all
Ian D