Hey Venom,this is all that it says in Nuts and Bolts concerning the deployment of the Ostwind.
"Due to the conditions at the war's end exact production figures for the Ostwind are no longer known. Heereswaffenamt/Wa I Ru reported seven vehicles as combat ready in March 1945. Count Von Seherr-Thoss remembers 40 vehicles as finished. Also it is not known which unit recieved those vehicles. One can assume that at least a few were on active duty on the eastern Front in the area of Teplitz-Schonau"
I know this is not a lot of use, but it does beg the question, "What untis were deployed in the above area." If you could find that out, that would answer your question. I would suggest, from reading Nuts and Bolts that is a would either be a Stug unit or a Panzer Division,possible a Waffen-SS Panzer Division, but there is no evidence as to which one.
Sorry i cannot clarify more
Regards from the Swamp