Hi Jon and Thanks!!
I could do a step by step, but I work 2nd shift and would need my wife to take the pictures. I won’t see her awake again for another week. Plus, I just finished texturing the upper hull, so I would have to find a demo piece.
Let’s see if I can describe it.
Go get something out of the parts box to practice on.
The supplies you will need are,
Liquid cement
Small flat point brush
A small piece of thin cardboard about the same width and length as your fore finger. I use a piece from a model box.
And lastly, 000 steel wool.

Work in a small area, apply a pool of cement with the small brush. You can stipple lightly while the plastic is getting soft. Once the plastic is soft, take the cardboard and place onto the soft plastic. Use your finger to press the cardboard into the plastic. Now float it around twisting randomly as you move around the wet area.
Once you have it looking the way you want, repeat that step next to the area you just finished until you have completed the entire surface.
That’s what great about using liquid cement as you can work in small areas and blend the next area into it.
Once the cement has dried, buff down the glossy surface with 000 steel wool until you achieve a dull finish.