Posted: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 07:00 AM UTC
Crusader MkI. I wanted to represent a bag of 7th Armoured Brigade, 7th Armoured Division, in Operation "Battleaxe" in North Africa in 1941. After a few troubles with this model at the end was right to finish and I really enjoyed the camouflage made perhaps one of the most complicated made. Well the pictures:
Well now you can put opinions and criticisms. There are areas for improvement, waiting to sign up.
Vizcaya, Spain / España Joined: March 01, 2009
KitMaker: 96 posts
Armorama: 95 posts
Sorry, no speak englis: Me gusta mucho, y disculpame porque no soy ni mucho menos muy bueno en esto, pero las manchas de los bidones sé las veo un poquillo "raras", pero es solo una opinión subjetiva mia. Un saludo.