( for those interested in finding out everything that's gone into it so far the full blog from day one is HERE on my own site )

This started as an old Academy PzKpfw.IV Ausf.H with the schurzen. I used that kit as it was only supposed to be a play around with different zimmerit techniques ( which is why it has some done in modelling clay, some in putty and some with Mr. Surfacer ) but I got carried away. I'm prone to that.

So anyway long story short it ended up backdated to a late Ausf.G ( April/May 1943 production ) with zimmerit and schurzen added at a field workshop in late October and will be set on a snow laden diorama in late February 1944 whilst on the retreat from Korsun. It has also had earlier mine damage with the two front right road wheels replaced with later model ones and the shurzen rail twisted and two plates missing ( modeled on a photo where the only real damage was to the roadwheels and fender ).

At this time it will tentatively be set with two other vehicles at a bridge crossing with two vehicles waiting while one gingerly tests the bridge limits. The figures are in the very early stages with a lot of resculpting to do and I'll be adding a set of the DML winter panzer riders to fill it out as well. The stowage on the wagon is also not yet set in concrete.

So if anyone can see anything I've missed sing out so I can change it ( keeping in mind I know the overall dimensions of the Academy kit are a bit out but it's too late to go that far back and change it now ). I still have to add an Armorscale L48 barrel and muzzle brake, the plastic barrel is there loose for now. I've also tried mixing up the schurzen ( #4 right swapped with #2 left ) but I don't like it so will be going back to their proper places.
The main summary of changes made so far are ;
- zimmerit added ( well duh )
- schurzen remade, rails remade, mounts and rails thinned
- fenders thinned, front fenders detailed, retaining springs added
- spare track bar resized, bolt holes added, chains added
- headlight moved, conduit added, fire-extinguisher resized and moved
- tools clamps, hinges and locking pins detailed, crowbar added
- Ausf.H "W" tow hooks replaced with Ausf.G "S" shaped ones
- spare wheel locker reshaped into an Ausf.G style one
- fuel filler caps added to the rear plate and left side of the hull
- sprockets, idlers and hubcaps replaced with Ausf.G style ones
- aerial moved to the right front and mount changed
- turret schurzen thinned, door latches added
- turret side hatches redone and handles added
- cupola vison block added inside, hatch latches and head pad added
- stowage bin detailed, hasp and staples and padlock added
- tow cable hooks added on the rear plate
- tow bar added and MG barrels hollowed
- commander's Stg.43 backdated to an Mkb.42

I also added an engine, not that you can really see much but you can see enough to know there's something in there. It's just made from wood and plasticard scraps and bits from the spares box.
The tracks are just the Academy individual link set that they sell separately, mainly as I had several sets of them around.