@ Alan - Thanks for the encouragement. This is one of the biggest projects I have ever done in this scale. On Bob's Legacy diorama, there was building with a similar large billboard ad on top of one of the buildings. I will try to find a picture of the building with the large billboard on top.
@ Hellhound - The letters are routered wood that I ordered from a craft store website. As said to Alan earlier, I will try to find a picture of the building with the large billboard ad on it within Bob's Legacy diorama. Thanks for letting me know the order of colors as well within the french flag, especially for the signs lettering sequence.
@ Claude - Your work on the Clervaux diorama is what somewhat inspired me to build a large diorama of large proportions. You are right by the way, why I set a deadline for completion, I do not know why. There is no deadline, I will take my time and enjoy the hobby of building since it is something I like to do a lot. Thanks for being honest about the two buildings so far. They do look like toy buildings so far. I have not yet installed minor details and they need a lot of weathering. They obviously look too clean. At the time I took the pictures, most of the items were temporarily installed with just small bits of tape to hold them in place. As for interiors, I will only have items (tables, chairs, etc.) up near the windows at the shop levels along with flooring and wallpaper. There will also be curtains installed in the upper floors that will either be fully closed or pulled back. The interiors are painted all black so the viewer cannot see all the way thru. I will have one very large building (which will be a hotel that is being utilized as an Army headquarters) with no backside so the viewer can see inside at all of the levels. This is the first time I have ever scratch built buildings using foamboard, basswood, styrene, and acrylic paste. Windows, shutters and doors are made of resin produced by the 135th construction battalion and custom dioramics in at which all were ordered off of the squadron website. I plan on ordering your book from Monroe Perdu's website tomorrow (since I get paid) so I can learn some more techniques from a master builder like yourself as I build two more buildings for my diorama. I am still learning to scratch build and so far I like doing it. BTW, my wife's kitchen table is my work space along with the garage, LOL. I am extremely limited in space in my small home. Where will I put this diorama, I do not know? LOL.