Hi Hilbert...nice work on the painting and weathering.
A couple of points...and no I don't expect you to make changes at this point
The KV
s bolshoiy bashniy as represented by the Trumpeter kit had the stowage boxes arranged with two on the left-hand side and one on the right. Trumpeter got this wrong in the kit instructions.
The rearmost pair of lifting eyes on the transmission compartment roof plate should not be there. The only vehicle I've seen with them fitted is the KV-1 at the CAF Museum in Moscow, which was used to test the idea of fitting them to the up-armored Model 1942 hull at the end of 1941. They should not be there on a KV
s bolshoiy bashniy .
Check out
www.4bogreen.com for a full list of tweaks for this kit.