I did a dio of a Korea HH-13 (Bell 47) cross loading wounded from the helo to a jeep using the Tamiya British stretcher team figures. I modified them to look like US soldiers by changing their web gear and canteens, etc. The other wounded on the jeep was from the old Testors/Italeri WWII US Marines set that included one wounded and a medic attending to him.
I think it came out pretty nicely. Of course, it was destroyed in a move so I no longer have it. Maybe I'll do another at some time. Sorry for the crappy pic, I had a really cheap digicam at the time.

There are a few modern medics and wounded sets as well.
CMK does a couple medics w/wounded on stretchers. Oddly enough, both are called US Marines in Iraq, while they are usable as any generic modern US soldiers.
CMKF35195 US Marines in Iraq
CMKF35196 US Marines in Iraq
Verlinden has wounded Marines in Iraq.

And Vietnam

Dragon also does a couple Vietnam sets.
US Marines (Khe Sanh 1968) set w/ wounded Marine.

US Marines (Tet Offensive 1968) with one carrying a wounded Marine.