[WIP] USMC M1A1 2003 and need a help here
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 01:17 AM UTC
Hi guys,I'm building a Trumpeter's USMC M1A1,
I wanna make it like a TASK FORCE TARAWA 's Abrams
But I don't know,What's the long thing on turret,does someone knows that?

Thank you~
It's Tamiya's Nato Colors.

The long black thing

Rhone, France
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 01:56 AM UTC
It's a Flexcel 80-gallon synthetic rubber fuel bladder. It can dispense fuel by gravity feed or can be dropped onto the ground and the vehicle drives up on it and pushes the fuel out while the built-in hose is inserted in the vehicle fuel tank.
But a picture is worth 1000 words


"Find the Bastards, then Pile On"
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New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 05:17 AM UTC
Howdy Dachian, the systems official nomenclature is SFC2(Supplemental Fuel Carrying x 2) Capability. They are 55 gallon capacity bladders. The SFC2 system NSN is 2910-01-434-4961. Here is a shot of a bladders data stencil.

And a link to an Armor magazine article on the SFC2:
http://www.knox.army.mil/center/ocoa/armormag/backissues/1990s/1998/jf98/1fuelcap.pdfIf doing a TF Tarawa M1A1 tank March, 2003 you could leave them off your model as the company briefly dropped the SFC2 bladders around the the end of the first week by Nasiryah and then reinstalled them a few days later as they headed North. Happy USMC modeling! Outta here, Mike sends . . .
Rhone, France
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 05:35 AM UTC
I stand corrected

Thanks for setting me straight on the bladder capacity Mike (and for the link as well !)

"Find the Bastards, then Pile On"
Col. George W.Patton III 's standing order for the troopers of the 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment

Nevada, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 05:36 AM UTC
It's a fuel bladder, like this!

New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 06:04 AM UTC
Frenchy, I could never correct you, just clarify! And you are welcome for whatever measly ino I can provide. James nice looking Jarhead Abrams. The Bladders look great. Outta here, Mike sends . . .
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Saturday, October 02, 2010 - 07:33 PM UTC
Oklahoma, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 03, 2010 - 04:33 AM UTC
"A/8" means A Company, 8th Tank Battalion, a USMCR tank unit that TFT.
A couple of things that I saw on your model that you might want to correct. First, the commander's hatch should be at a 90 degree angle. Second, the model needs more crew bags. There are four crewmembers and each should have a pack and at least one, possibly two duffle bags on the vehicle. The NATO camouflage came out very nicely on your model.
John Charvat
"Hey baby, I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes them work" Oddball
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New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 03, 2010 - 06:04 AM UTC
Howdy Dachian, the tanks used by TF Tarawa were drawn form 2nd Tank Bn M1A1s at Camp Lejeune. The 14 tanks were taken from each company and assigned to Alpha Co, 8th Tank Bn(Reserve) out of Ft Knox, KY. While in transit aboard ship to Kuwait most of the tanks had the former 2nd Tk companies black colored Tactical Markings painted over and the new white A Co markings applied. The tank you are modeling is a former Bravo Co, 3rd Plt tank= III>. The original marks were not painted over. And US Marines use "Seabags" not duffle bags and there would be one per crewman. Outta here, Mike sends . . .
New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 03, 2010 - 07:06 AM UTC
Quoted Text
US Marines use "Seabags" not duffle bags and there would be one per crewman.
That’s something I never gave it a thought. So Mike are the Seabags different, even bigger.
Happy Modeling,
It feels like bible camp…Only I’m not crying pretending I’m somewhere else.
Happy Modeling

Nevada, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 03, 2010 - 11:32 AM UTC
Thanks guys. A little insight to that model. It's not finished in the picture. Still needs crew, antenna's and other stuff. I built the fuel bladders first. They came out so nice I had to build a tank to put them on. All they are are lead foil wrapped around the handle of an exacto knife. I pinched off one end and detailed it out. The other end is stuffed with tissue paper with a little nozzle looking thingy inside. The small voids were filled with elmers glue. At the time I made these I could find NOTHING on the net to show details or how they were mounted to the tank. A lot of guess work going on there.
New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 03, 2010 - 01:11 PM UTC
Howdy Joe, same green bag with "US" stenciled on it. Outta here, Mike sends . . .
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 - 10:11 PM UTC
Thank you guys,
John I've corrected the angle of commander's hatch and plussed more packages

Thank you,
Mike you are the expert about Marines, I'd admire you

,Thank you for your HELP~
The fuel bladder is a little bit hard to make,I'm try to figure it out

Nevada, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 - 08:16 AM UTC
Fuel Bladder is easy! Read my post above, it took minutes to make them both.
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 12:06 AM UTC
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Friday, December 03, 2010 - 08:51 AM UTC
New Mexico, United States
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Posted: Saturday, December 04, 2010 - 06:58 AM UTC
Howdy Dachian, it really looks nice. Now get some crewman in those hatches!
Outta here, Mike sends . . .
Alabama, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 22, 2013 - 02:07 AM UTC
Young Guns turned out amazing! That was my tank during the war. You wouldn't be interested in putting it up for auction…would you?