Thanks for all the compliments, which I have to give back to all of you, shareing their knowlegde in this and other forums.
Even I am personnaly surprised how my modelling skills has been improved after a year back to this hobby, especially compared with my level from more than 20 years ago, I have to thank all of you, who are present in this forums, giving my the chanche to “listen” and to learn.
So 1st paint step has been done:
On this model I have sprayed the red-oxide coloured metall corrosion primer, used in my company to paint truck components. Works perfect, “bits” in the plastic, giving a high connection to the material, without destroying (or melting) the plastic material.
I have discovered this possibilty by chanche, after became unsatisfied with both, the ModelMaster and Lifecolour Primer´s
The basic paint was made with Livecolour „Giallo Sabbia scuro“, lightened on the surface panels with 2 times mixed-in more „Giallo Sabbia chiaro“
And before anybody mention it:
Yes, the chicken-ladder is too short….
I was collecting infos for this project nearly half a year and than that:
My example picture is from theSquadron Signal „Afrikakorps in Action“ and on this picture the ladder (or better the picture) is cutted from the 5th step on. I have recalcutaled the height of the ladder for my model, according this picture and added a (as I assumed) 6th step.
The expample picture I have linked, which I have shortly found in the net, shows a much higher ladder, transfered to the model in fact 40 mm higher than my initial one.
But I have discovered this “new” picture after I painted the model, and than it even took some days till I realized the difference....
Fortunately I have made the ladder from an Evergreen profile, in which I drilled a hole on the top to simulate a tube. So now it was easy to add a 40 mm additional profile, drill holes in boths sides and connected the both parts with a short wire part to reinforce the connection surface.
For the track painting I will follow Bill Plunks´s method, which from my (personal) side is the most realistic way to paint tracks, especially as he is avoiding too much rust, which in fact is not so common in the desert.
I hope I will be able to get a similar finish as he shows in his build logs.