I recently finished the construction of my ISU-152 and is now trying to figure out which camouglage to use. To get some inspiration I bought a book called "ISU 122/152" written by Janusz Ledwoch. On the last page I found this nice looking paint scheme:

The text says:
ISU-152 z 333. Pulku Ciezkiej Artylerii Samobieznej Gwardii 1. Frontu Nadbaltyckiego, Lotwa, czerwiec 1944 roku
ISU-152 SP gun from the 333rd Guards Heavy SP Artillery Regiment 1st Baltic Front, Latvia, June 1944
Does anyone know which photo this camo is sourced from? I prefer to have a real photo to use as a guide for my painting, instead some artist´s interpretation

PS. I´ve sent an e-mail to the publisher with this question, but they didn´t reply .DS