Tamiya Opel Blitz
Dragon 3cm Flak 38/103 Jaboschreck
Dragon 2cm Flak Crew
Hussar Opel Blitz Late Wheels (still to arrive)
Lion Roar Opel Blitz Detail Set
Archer Opel Blitz Instruments and Placards
Masterpiece Flak Sled
Bronco Sd.Ah.52 Ammunition Carriage Trailer (possible?)
I am not too sure if I want to use the trailer or not or even if the truck was capable of towing it after the gun was mounted to the bed. I do not know much about the gun it’s self since info on it is hard to find, but seeing how desperate the Germans were during the final months of the war, I can see this thing being mounted to a truck for extra mobility and ease of operation.