Hello my friend Jim !
Héhé, after years passed preaching in the desert

, seems that my voice has been heard !!
That's a really nice idea from Masterbox (they are the only one who could have done it, because they are far advanced compared to the others manufacturers !)
It would be incorrect to say that this set is a free french set only. One of them is a legionnaire, no doubt, and the other one seems to be a goumier. The clue that lead me to this conclusion is the very specific wool hat Goumiers, or even tirallieurs marocains, worn during war. But I'm not sure about the rest of the uniform, as in 1942, many men still worn French uniform, british one were reserved to white soldiers mainly. I'm not sure also of the legionnaire leegins. There were no leggins in the desert, but british wool socks. But in this set we have also an american tanker, an aussie and a Rosbeef

. Pauses looks really good anyway, and with some creative skills you can even make indochina war french soldiers !
Thanks Masterbox for this release ! And I renew my invitation : I have loads of documents on French uniforms I would be delighted to share if Masterbox wish so, maybe to correct some aspect of the set abovementioned.
Lastly, I would add that I bought the commonwhealth AFV crew from Masterbox, and the details are simply stunning !!!! It largely worth their resin counterpart. Monthy looks like the real one, the camel has a nasty look, everything is really well rendered with no flash. Go and get them, you will see that Masterbox really rules.
Ok now I'm forced to by this set and to sent the finish product to Masterbox to thanks them.
(a happy free french man)