Do you love dioramas & vignettes? We sure do.
Vignette or Diorama?
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Antwerpen, Belgium
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Posted: Sunday, August 24, 2003 - 07:06 AM UTC
If I can get my dio ready in time I would enter it in a competion but, what kind of entry is this?

A vignette or a diorama?

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New Hampshire, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 24, 2003 - 07:11 AM UTC
Nice work on the cliff face. Very realistic.

I would have to say from what I understand about the difference that more people would lean towards vignette. The cliff seems to be more of a backdrop for the figure and I think the "diorama" qualifier is generally that there is a story being portrayed. Now if you did a cliff with a bunch of Rangers ascending it?

I look forward to seeing it finished. Are you bringing this to KMK ScaleWorld?

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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 24, 2003 - 07:26 AM UTC
I agree with Jim. I would enter it in a vignette catagory. It's more of a 'snapshot' vs a 'story'. potentially the same project could be a 'diorama' if it were tied to a specific historical event and titled to make the connection - ie "Fifteen Feet to the Top of K2" or something like that.

The debate will always remain - one persons vignette is another diorama.

I really think you'll judge well in the vignette catagory against other comperable vignettes. It might 'off-put' the judges if they see it next to a full diorama with 3 Pzr IV's a Krupp Protze and a full urban rebuild.
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Milano, Italy
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Posted: Sunday, August 24, 2003 - 07:53 AM UTC
I'd say vignette too, as usually a diorama involves a kind of story "narration" (or at least is what we mean here in Italy in modeling competitions...)
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Sunday, August 24, 2003 - 09:02 AM UTC
With only one figure, this would actually be borderline as to its even being a vignette, nore of a figure on an elaborate base. Typically, figure judges look at the base as part of the presentation of the model, which is not typically done as part of general judging standards.
How my club defines vignette is 2-5 figures with no vehicles on a base telling a story. A diorama is more than 5 figures with or without vehicle one or more vehicles OR 2 or more figures, separate from a vehicle on AND telling a story. In all cases, the story is judged as is the base and how the models fit into the base.
Examples: Three related figures attached to a varnished display base would NOT be a vignette. However, add landscaping and have them focussed on a map and it is.
A tank on a landscaped base with a single figure in or next to it to "give it scale" would NOT be a diorama. That same scenario with the commander hunkered down on the radio and a figure firing from the cover of the track would be a diorama.
The tamiya halftrack with the grenadiers hoping out of it, built out of bos and placed on a landscaped base would be a diorama.
So, Ronny, if that were entered in my club's contest, it would be in the appropriate figure category.
Other clubs might assigned it to a different category.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 - 04:50 AM UTC
Let me expand on what slodder states... a Vignette is a "snapshot" or single thought portryed in 3D, while a diorama is a collection of multipe thoughts used to tell a single story.

For example, your single thought here is "a climber is about to reach his goal"... a diorama (which could be the same size!) would perhaps show someone else already on the top and taking a picture or planting a flag on the peak. If this were the piece it would be a diorama.... the "story" being that one person has made it, and another is about to join him. while one is still working hard, the other is enjoying the view.

The number of figures is NOT the key point however. A good example of this is the diorama ORDERS - FRANCE '44. There is a LOT of activity here, which could have been broken out into several seperate vignettes.. there are at least four:
- the kids at the end of the scene chatting with the injured soldier...
- the man fixing the roof of his building....
- the officer addressing the squad of soldiers...
- the civilians trying to clean up the mess in the streets.

Together, this shares the story of the aftermath of a recent battle and how it has affected several types of people at the same time...
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Cape Province, South Africa
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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2003 - 07:56 PM UTC
IF i had to say what type of diorama this is I would saw a AWESOME ONE! well done
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South Africa
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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2003 - 10:06 PM UTC
Well now i would say the same as bren its an interesting idea and awesome its a good change to see someone modelling a rock climber and how did you do the wall/cliff face its really realistic looking?1!1!!!!1!!!!!
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Antwerpen, Belgium
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Posted: Friday, August 29, 2003 - 10:37 PM UTC
Tnx for the reply's and it is a vignette :-)

But the competion I want to enter dos not give a seperate division vfr diorama's or vignettes
in the figure departement (it is just called F4 Figures in diorama or vignette (all Scales))

Yep Jim, I entered it for KMK, but until the day arrives I will be hesitating to actualy place it on the table , I am still a louzy figure painter and I just know that there will be some great stuff to see

jusjus80, it is simply painted bark :-), you can find several postings about this dio in prgress in the Diorama and Figure section or just use the ''Search Forums'' buton and type ''rockclimber'' and you can see al the postings about it.
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Posted: Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 09:54 AM UTC

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Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 09:58 AM UTC
nice!! i would say vignette