No too bad. A couple pointers though. The USMC (nor US Army for that matter) didn't use 2-color camo on them. The camo used was either a 4-color scheme known as MERDC (or MERDEC) in the mid-late '70s or the later 3-color NATO camo from the mid-'80s on. It should look something like one of the below M151A2s. It looks like you are half-way there for the MERDC scheme. You just need to add the smaller sand and black squiggles.
Here is a great page that explains the
MERDC camo schemes as well.
Also, you should apply a gloss coat to at least the areas where the decals will go. Then apply the decals and let them dry fully. After they are dry and set, coat them with dull coat to blend them in. This will prevent the silvering and noticable decals you have.
Finally, a pointer for the rear window. Use a piece of Saran Wrap (plastic food wrap) cut slightly bigger than the window opening. Superglue it in place, then hit it with a hairdryer to shrink it up and you will have a nice, tight plastic window. It looks really good.
Good job so far. A few tweaks and it will look great. Keep us posted on the progress.