Thank You all for replies
Henk - at Your first photo there is an old prototypue (I think from 90's last century) and it's much different from this one I'm going to build. At Your second photo there is a M1152 based newer version, replacing M1037 based SECM. Frenchy - this one from Your picture is mine

I know all these websites from links (sorry, I could have mentioned about this), but on Primeportal there are only exterior walkarounds. I've got 15-20 various pictures with this Humvee, but there is not much of interior shown at them

But of course - Frenchy and others - please put here any photo, maybe I won't have it yet. As I wrote above - interior drawings, maybe from manual, would be the best source for me.
Frenchy - I know great model of John Tapsell. I'm not registered on Missing-lynx, so maybe You know how can I contact him another way?