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And a Heavy is a Common and the USMCs M1A1s are both.
Yes I know that Army and Marines use both HA and HC variants, so both are Common but M1A1HC have some design changes as far as my research goes, for example Carl Schulze in his book "Iraqi Insurgency, U.S. Army Armored Vehicles in Action part 2" describes 3 Heavy M1A1 variants, M1A1HA, M1A1HA+ and M1A1HC, only differences between them are not publicized besides some thing like small changes of turret ammo racks, etc.
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And if you do not believe me that they are FEP equipped then go surf the Internet, specifically the Defense websites and you will find the information out there.
Well I belive You, I'am just very curious and modern MBT's, especially US made are my passion so I will be continue to find more info's, but one thing that can describe FEP from older tanks with upgrades like FBCB2, TIP etc. is Far Target Locator, I think it is not mounted on older versions with these small upgrades right?
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And as far as number of tanks produced I guess you will have to remain stunned along with the rest of us.
Oh, well You probably right, but I only say that getting in to consideration that M1A1HC production started in 1990, and overall production of new tanks in GDLS ended in 1992/93 it gives us enough years to produce near or ~2,000 tanks, so adding this to other known numbers of builded tanks, this gives us ~10-11,000 M1 tanks builded for US armed forces, very impressive as for 3rd generation MBT, and getting in to consideration tanks completely lost and written off (less than ~100 in OIF and few in and after ODS) + modified and sold to Australia (59), Iraq (140) + additional 58 for Saudi Arabia that still gives US huge quantity of modern MBT's... well at least this is what I was capabale to digg out, I could be wrong tough.