I've studied the subject a bit and decided to try my hand at the hairspray method.
This is what I did and what came out of it:
Testbed: Old Italeri Sd.Kfz.234/4 built some years ago and painted with enamels.
Step 1: Cleaned and coated the kit with clear gloss auto varnish. Left to dry for a week or so.
Step 2: Sprayed with hairspray all over. I used a simple Schwarzkopf Palette spray - cheapest I could find at the store. Left to dry overnight.
Step 3: Spray-painted the white cover on using Humbrol Acrylic paint thinned with Tamiya X-20 Acrylic Thinner and matted with some Mr. Hobby Flat Clear
HERE BE TROUBLE! as the paint started drying it - or most likeley the hairspray underneath it reacted to the paint and/or thinner and.... shrunk?, best way to put it really and cracked... Had to spray more paint over the cracks to get a more or less even (but by now quite thick) coat...
Step 4: I started chipping and rubbing off using a hard paintbrush, toothpicks, a rough sponge and water. I did this after different drying times (5-60 mins) to see how the paint would come off best I guess.
My impression of this step of the process: easy enough at times, the more the paint had dried the easier it was to work on, but still managed to build up in blobs of gunk that I hade to scrape or cut off.
Here are the pics, all suggestions and comments regarding other materials, application processes, times etc will be greatly appreviated!!!!!