I just posted this here - posted previously in "Under Construction." I am a newbie at this and trying to figure out what works best for building a Roman House. I am using two different kinds of "stucco/plaster." One is regular all purpose stucco. the other is "light spackle." I also used the LIGHT SPACKLE to fill in gaps/seams in between the columns.
Also used CLAY on one side. The clay was harder to use. I had to smear a yogurt consistency wet clay/water mixture over the clay as it dried to keep it from cracking too much (it would shrink and crack). I also sanded it and sanded both the light spackle and the stucco after dry. The stucco seems TOO ROUGH for this scale. sanding did not help much.
i put in a figure for context of scale.
The columns were made from plaster molds, glued together to get the right size. I had to sand them and put in filler to hide seams. Sanding the columns made them NOT vertical. i could not sand them perfectly straight. they would be slightly off and then when placing together they would end up NON VERTICAL. any suggestions?
ALL SUGGESTIONS and comments welcome. THANK YOU!