Step 1 through 4 consist of the gun assembly which is quite amazing the detail is some of the best that i have come across in anything that i have built so far, some of the parts are a bit small but i took my time and did not find anything overly difficult. The gun comes with 2 options of elevated or not so watch to use the correct parts also there was 1 error in part numbers which is pointed out in the pics.
The first 2 steps are the gun itself.

3 and 4 cover the seat, sights and shields.

Here i am not using internet jargon to call part A9 an Ass just pointing out it should in fact be part A33

Step 5 is the transmission.

Step 6 call for interior floor details but i decided to build the tub prior to this just in case of any fit issues which would be harder to fix after this was in place and things were a tad tight in places so i am glad i did.

I noticed in the pics a couple of spots need to cleanup but no worries there also i would like to point out something i really like so far about this kit is just about all the sub assembly parts are on the same sprues so instead of searching 8 sprues to find the right bits for an 8 piece transmission they are all together on single sprue, well done Tristar
