What brand acrylics do you have? I use Tamiya acrylics, but havn't brushed them - I use an airbrush. If you don't want to airbrush, I personally would use enamel paints.Testors Model Master brand enamels were what I used before I got my airbrush - I REALLY liked the way they flow onto the model..... they are very good for not leaving brushmarks. If you use enamels - you won't have to prime the kit. I think you could get by with the following colors:
Panzer Dunkelgelb 1943 -
Schokoladenbraun 1943 RAL 8017-
Panzer Olivgrun 1943
Flat Black (FS 37038)
And of course brush cleaner (thinner)
These bottles of paint run about 2 bucks apiece online at greatmodels.com - so I think they would be worth your while if you plan on brushpainting the Hanomag. I havn't tried brush pianting an entire model with acrylics - but I've heard that acrylic paints don't cover as well as enamels in this regard.
Just paint the whole thing Dulkelgelb, then apply the camo colors (brown and green) in whatever pattern you desire over the base yellow.
As far as tracks go - I would paint the whole run of tracks flat black. Then use the thinner and brown colors to mix up a wash. (10 parts thinner to about 2 parts paint) Apply this to your tracks to simulate mud, dirt, etc. I've gotten the best results from using many applications of various color washes. In other words, I use different shades of browns in multiple washes to get subtle variations in the colors. Tan is a good color to use in a wash on tracks - It gives them a dusty, dirty look. After you are happy with the way the tracks look - use a lead pencil (no. 2) and rub the lead on the raised portion of the tracks that contact the ground - this imparts a steel look to these areas of the track.