Sent: DEC 29, 2010 - 06:57 AM
here you go jacques ,not to painfull
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on 2010-12-29 18:37, Hisham wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Roy!
They do have some unusual vehicles, and their prices are pretty reasonable.
This is one I'm interested in
SP-152 PPRU-1(9S80) Ovod-M-SV AA defence mobile control and reconnaissance post
any opinion on it?
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on 2010-12-29 18:09, roycharnock wrote:
hi hisham
if you purchase sp kits make sure they are new as they have been remastering a lot of there molds and his molding technique has also improved so the kits come with less warpage and less airbubbles,as you well know ,you get only what you payfor....not for beginners but worth the effort and time for something unusual,the MTLBU versions are good and build up well the brem 4 is very easy to build .I have all the kits from sp and build one up when i get boared with plastic kits or if i am up for a challenge
regards roy.
i have built this kit as the m version .there are pictures on this forum its the sborka and i have blogged the build on ,take a look and make your own mind up,its not that bad to build but needs a lot of details adding to it .