I wish to build an mildly-damaged French house and need window frame pictures so I may scratch-build some, plus a wooden door- entry area so I may build this with some real objects to go by, instead of getting a passport and tickets to France. Rick
War pig number 8, Armorer of the Potomac
speak softly and carry an 88mm persuader
olive drab sux, Camo Is King !!!!
Maryland, United States Joined: October 10, 2002
KitMaker: 352 posts
Armorama: 309 posts
In the field "Recherche libre" type the word "fenetre" (french for window, and yes, dear amis français, i know that fenêtre get's a ê, but this sign is probably well hidden on a non-french keyboard :-) )
Limit the search by chosing "non" in the field "prise de vue couleur" and tick the box "avec image en ligne"
You have nearly 20000 results (see at the bottom) Sometimes pics do not load all, just choose another page.
Redo that with the word "porte" for the door
Good luck
Maryland, United States Joined: October 10, 2002
KitMaker: 352 posts
Armorama: 309 posts
as promised here is a couple of windows pics. It as been harder than I thought because many old windows have been remove by new one.
And here some building pictures:
I hope that this will help you into your diorama.
PS: just think that I am living in the south east of France. http://maps.google.fr/ the town/village pictured is : Mours saint eusebe Most of the building are built with local material that is "molasse" = sand compacted by the time. The molasse can be very hard until very soft. If you need complementary informations do not hesitated. cheers Alexandre