Hay "biffa" i have that kit as well and I have most of the AF kits that you used. I also plan on adding a bit more scratchbuilt items and body detail. Along with figuers. It has taken me some two and a half year to collect all the AF kits that I wanted use. I hope to start it soon.
Here's the list of AF kit's that I will be using.
Aber #35L-12 German 3.7 cm Flak 37 Barrek: Aluminum Barrel with Brass Muzzle.
Archer Fine Transfers (Decals) Armor Side markings,box labels ect...
Eduard #35489 Sd.Kfz. 7/2 Flak 3.7-37cm PE set.(For Tamiya)
Friulmodel ATL-24 Sd.Kfz. 7-8t Full Track set w/Sprocket.
Royal Model #467 Tread Plate No. 1
Voyager Model #TE017 Antiskid Plate set
After all that stuff I'll be using Evergreen styrene,K&N brass sheet,copper wire,led wire ect...
As you see I will have alot to do, so I'm going to keep up with your build! Thanks for sharing.