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T12 HT SP mounts for 75mm - Luzon campaign
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Warszawa, Poland
Joined: February 07, 2011
KitMaker: 1 posts
Armorama: 1 posts
Posted: Monday, February 07, 2011 - 12:18 PM UTC
Dear Colleagues,

I'm trying to establish to which artillery unit assigned to the 50 the 75mm SPMs sent to Luzon in 1941. Only one website I found an indication that:

(...) on 14 October 1941, a total of fifty (50) M3 Gun Motor Carriages, otherwise known as Self-propelled Mounts or SPMs (Half-tracks mounted with US M1897A 75-mm field gun) arrived in the Philippines and were assigned to the 11th Provisional Artillery Brigade, USAFFE. (...).


This is the only information which I found by searching the Internet and publications about the subject. Unfortunately I do not know if this is true? Can anyone confirm this, or have more information about this topic?

About the combat use of 192th and 194th Light Tanks Battalions is written a lot. But about the SPMs used by action durning Luzon campaign - nothing.
Maybe someone knows what name was given the unit eqippet by this 50 SPMs?
This name and I can not identify.
I should be grateful for any information or suggestions.
