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Sig Lines and extras
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Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2003 - 07:39 PM UTC
Dont wish to sound like a killjoy but does anyone else get anoyed when reading posts only to find a couple of lines of actual post and a full screen of sig lines, personal adverts, etc. Personal frusration aside, does this also not use of valuable server space?
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New Hampshire, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2003 - 08:01 PM UTC
Sometimes they can be a bit much. I don't mind them as much on this site as others. There is a gaming site I go to and people there use banners that I wouldn't want people at work to see over my shoulder. So that cause a problem if I want to view them from work.

I actually was toying with an idea to make sig lines configurable for the viewer. So they can turn them off if they'd like.

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2003 - 08:11 PM UTC
Jim the option to them off would be great!!!. But some of us are proud of the things our friends have made for us ( Robert "FAUST" Blokker did mine for me.) But I can see where Mr. Priest is going with this!!! A few people have seemed to abused this with small novels for their sig line. I have yet too see any "porn" in a sig line. But I think some guys just don't that as acceptable to post on this great site. I remeber a long time ago Just before we hitt 2000 members we discussed keeping this a Family friendly site, and I have no problems yet letting my kids sit with me as roam the web site!!!! But as far sig lines go maybe there should be limit to the number of characters for the text as there is for the addy for the banner. just a suggestion. STUG
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Posted: Thursday, September 04, 2003 - 11:47 PM UTC
Interesting thread.

I enjoy seeing the creativity in some of the sig lines, the humor in others,--- and if some appear to be to long--I just move past them.

Jim's comments ie " I actually was toying with an idea to make sig lines configurable for the viewer. So they can turn them off if they'd like."---(if implemented)--would give the viewer the flexibility to "see" only what they want to see, but for me, it's not an issue.


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England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 01:37 AM UTC
I have to agree with Hip-Priest here. As a webmaster myself I try to cut down on the amount of 'excess baggage' that people use when they use my forums. Especially graphics as they always require a double request from the server, ie post the page, new request, post the graphics. It just slows things down.

At work I use ADSL to access armorama but at home I still lag behind with dial up - this to me means I virtually never come here from home unless I want to see/do something very specific.

I am not saying that they should be turned of but it would be nice as an end user to configure what I see. There is no doubt that Jim has made this one of the most colourful and friendly places on the net but in my dealings with other modellers around the world I have spoken to 2 who have very specifically said they do not like coming here because it just takes too long to load up a page.

It is like anything else in that you have to find that line to tread that keeps everybody happy. I am fine with the way things are but I would be happier if I could turn some of the graphics off. I do not have a sig or other stuff for precisely this reason.

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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 02:06 AM UTC
I agree as well, some of the tag lines I don't even understand. I used to have a signature saying, but now just post my motor pool link and my moderator duties. I was getting too many nasty-grams for people who thought I ran this site. I wanted it to be clear that I just have some moderator duties and maintain one of the galleries. And I'm the editor-at-large

BTW, I have dial up and I never have any loading problems. It works just as fine using AOL at home as it does using a LAN at work.
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 05:01 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Sometimes they can be a bit much. I don't mind them as much on this site as others. There is a gaming site I go to and people there use banners that I wouldn't want people at work to see over my shoulder. So that cause a problem if I want to view them from work.

Sounds good ! What gaming site is that ?
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 05:09 AM UTC
Lately some of the sigs files have taken on a novella type feel but I honestly enjoy most of them. Some of them are pretty darn funny. There are those that leave me scratching my head, too...

Just my opinion.

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New Hampshire, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 05:28 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Sounds good ! What gaming site is that ?


My name is Jim and I am a Battlefield 1942 addict. #:-)

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New Hampshire, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 06:40 AM UTC
A little off topic, but is there a monthly charge to play that game online like there has been for some others? I've been thinking about picking it up and didn't see it mentioned on the box (I'm a firm believer in pay for a game once and be done with it).
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 06:43 AM UTC
Nope...no fees. I think only the online RPG gaming worlds are charging fees these days.

I am with you on that.

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Virginia, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:34 PM UTC
Heres how you can tell in an instant if it is pay or not. If the box says it REQUIRES internet access to play, you will have to pay as you go. If the box RECOMMENDS internet access, then it is a single player game with online capabilities and you will probably be able to play online for free.
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Posted: Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 08:46 AM UTC
Hi there

Battlefield 1942 aside... (I've never played it is it good? :-)) :-) :-)

I really like the banners, because they're an instant way of recognising people, when we share avatars.

I have to admit, though, that the long sig. lines leave me pretty cold!:| My eyes glaze over and I never bother reading them! The same is true of some posts... page-long "streams of consciousness", bereft of any punctuation... well, give me a break - life's too short! :-)

Anyway, getting back to "1942"... is it only multi-player "online", or is there a single player campaign? :-)

All the best

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Posted: Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 09:03 AM UTC
There is a single player campaign mode. But the bots are pretty dumb compared to real people. When I played real people for the first time I actually got an adreneline rush.

Other games like Medal of Honor and the upcoming Call of Duty are nice because of their image and graphical quality. But they are better suited for single player well contructed and outlined campaigns. In BF1942 it's a melee right from the start and you really have to hold on tight to avoid the storm. Players vary in skill of course. But there is a line from one of my favorite movies (Silverado) that keeps coming to mind.

Quoted Text

You better watch your ass. Cause these guys will shoot it off.

My pardons for the vulgarity. It was a quote!

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Posted: Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 09:18 AM UTC
Cheers Jim :-)

Do you need a Mega-PC and Broadband to stand a chance "online"?

I know what you mean about human players vs bots... I used to think I was pretty hot at flight sims 'till I went on-line in Airwarrior many years ago... a very humbling experience :-)

All the best
