In my stash I have an old T55 Esci kit. I started to build it a while time ago. I completely rebuilt the lower hull because it was wrong then I began to work on the hupper hull. After a lot of works I left it and I bought a pair of Tamiya T55 kits..

Anyway, i wondered what could i do with my old kit.
Looking for references on the net i found few pics of T55 C2 Favorit

Is a czech training version of T55 tank
It cold be perfect reproduce this version with the esci kit wrecks, because it seems rather easy to do ( I think i'm not as skilled as Rob Ferreira or Zachary Sex so probably i can't afford the construction of a complicate russian ARV... not at the moment

Anyway, looking for Favorit references unfortunately I didn't find a lot of stuff
It would be very nice if some of you could give me some advice, links and mostly some drawings
Any help would be very appreciated
Thanks in advance