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Finishing touches on a recent hummv
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United States
Joined: July 10, 2003
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:21 AM UTC
Hello, hopefully you can help me out. I am finishing up a hummer for a diorama and am at the point of decals and weathering. Since this will be a desert dio, my first, I have some questions.
When setting decals, will a coat of future help them set and reduce silvering? I do not have a decal setting solution.
Also, how would you suggest weathering? I'm thinking some very light washes of burnt sienna? A final dusting of buff?
In the past, the future has left my model too glossy, even after a coat of matt. maybe that is because my Matt says it leaves a satin finish?
Thanks for all of your help!
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Indiana, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:29 AM UTC
A coat of Future will seal the finish and should help keep the decals from silvering. It will also seal the finish for your weathering (washes). Washes flow better over a gloss finish than a matte one. As far as the matte finish is concerned I always use Testors Dullcote in the rattle can. It hasn't failed me yet.


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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:30 AM UTC

Quoted Text

When setting decals, will a coat of future help them set and reduce silvering? I do not have a decal setting solution.


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Also, how would you suggest weathering? I'm thinking some very light washes of burnt sienna? A final dusting of buff?

Instead of a dusting of paint, can you get hold of some artists' chalk pastels? Any good arts & crafts store should have these. You can spot dust the vehicle more effectively. Get a few colors, including black, which you can make nice exhaust stains.

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In the past, the future has left my model too glossy, even after a coat of matt. maybe that is because my Matt says it leaves a satin finish?

The satin finish is the problem. Can you get hold of some Dullcoat by Testors? If you prefer acrylics, look for PollyScale. Do not use Tamiya's as it's designed to be mixed in with paint, not be used as a final coat.

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Thanks for all of your help!

No problem.
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Cadiz, Spain / España
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:12 PM UTC
Not to go completely against the grain here (but I will anyway...), but I never put a gloss coat on. I use Micro Set and Micro Sol for my decals, and unless they're really bad I get no silvering. I know people use the gloss/Future coat for protection, but since Future is an acrylic "paint" itself, afaik you're not doing anything but add another coat. If your basecoat is good enough, you shouldn't have a problem (if it's too thin, it may suffer from the wash, I know).

My two cents...


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Iowa, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 03:44 PM UTC
I guess I'm with Olaf on this one. I have never used a gloss coat on any of my models. I do however use decal setting solution like he suggested...

I brush a little on the model where the decal will go - then apply the decal and follow up with some more brushed over the top.

Silvering is caused by air trapped beneath the decal film, so by brushing a little setting solution on the kit before the decal goes on, I avoid the trapped air.

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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 05, 2003 - 05:34 PM UTC

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I do not have a decal setting solution

Then take some houshold vinager, dilute with about equal parts of water and use this.

As for the Future coat, jsut remember that it will darken the colors of the undercoat. So lighten accordingly.
