Very nice for your first diorama. The layout is good. The construction of the kit is well done. Lots of detail is added
Lots of extra touches - dusty windscreen, extra stuff added, nice weathering.
The base is good, nice ruts, you've embedded the run into the ground, attention to the edges (my personal note of attention as others have seen my posts
), casings laying around. Good job.
Now for the 'and you could add'. I agree the base doesn't 'look' sandy. The pictures may not represent sand well so you'll have to judge that for yourself. To add a more sandy look, take some real sand/dirt/cat litter (clean) - anything close to sand you can find. Try to crush it up if its big (ie cat litter) to get a nice fine grain. Add a layer of white glue mixed with water to the base. Sprinkle on the dirt. Repaint.
I would add a layer of pastel dust to it too.
I would also recommend adding some pastel dust to the feet/anckles of the figures to 'connect' them to the ground.
Overall - well done.