For Discussion Purposes Only

Back to the topic! I am not even a modest expert on Soviet armour nor a particular "rivet counter" type. The caption of the picture states that this is an SU-152 later model (i read that there were three or four versions (oldest/first only had five road wheels?). My kit models did not come with grab rails so I am adding some from left over parts from a Dragon SU-85M kit. No issue there. The reason for this note is primarily about the auxiliary fuel drums.
From all the images I have seen, it appears that most Soviet armour with these drums show various combinations of them. The most common is the two tandem on each side. The picture is the only one that I have seen like it with the drums in this side by side configuration. Was this a "field expedient" or a localization modification? The next issue is that I strongly think that the photo was mislabelled and is actually an ISU-152? I think the side by side drums would make for a very interesting look. Would this combination on an SU-152 have any historical possibility?
Thanks for any guidance or information on this issue.

P.S. - I have started construction in the campaign thread but will start a Blog thread here if anyone is interested.