I've always wanted this kit because it looked like an interesting variant of the Patton tank. I never knew exactly what was inside the box, nor was I really able to get a straight answer from anyone else. Well, I finally found one for $20 on Ebay and it arrived today.
To start off, this tank is a cross between an M48 turret and an M60 hull. It is used by the Republic of China (Taiwan) Army. The turret is an M48A5 mated to an M60A3 hull and has thermal imaging system, laser range finder, M1 style crosswind sensor and ballistic computer. It is called the Brave Tiger and also designated as the CM-11. General Dynamics Land Systems did many of the fire control upgrades found on early M1 tanks.
The box is full of various bits and pieces from the Academy M48A5, Academy M60A1, Academy M60A3 (never knew they did one), the AFV Club M88A1, AFV Club T-142 track links, and one large and one small sprue made for just this kit.
The hull is from the Academy M60A1 kit, the road wheels are from the AFV Club M88A1, the turret is the Academy M48A5 one, and the turret fittings, 105mm main gun, air cleaners, machine guns and sprockets are made by AFV Club specifically for this kit.
It looks to be an interesting build with plenty of pieces for the spare parts box like both an M60A1 and M48A3 cupola, M88A1 sprocket, M60A3 sprocket and late style searchlight.
I'll probably have to liberate another Esci M60 hull to replace the Academy hull though.
Hosted by Darren Baker
AFV Club M48H ROC MBT #AF35S-01

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Posted: Monday, September 08, 2003 - 11:37 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, September 08, 2003 - 12:20 PM UTC
I built this one a few years ago, and did a write-up on it. The kit is missing a few parts that I had to scrounge or scratch. If you want the article, drop me a line.
I built this one a few years ago, and did a write-up on it. The kit is missing a few parts that I had to scrounge or scratch. If you want the article, drop me a line.


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Posted: Monday, September 08, 2003 - 03:16 PM UTC
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I imagine it wouldn't hurt to get a copy. Not interested enough in the tank to go hog wild, but I would like to accurize it as much as I can (easily). I thought it would neat sitting between my last variant of M48(A5) and my first slick 60.Sabot,
I built this one a few years ago, and did a write-up on it. The kit is missing a few parts that I had to scrounge or scratch. If you want the article, drop me a line.
You going to PATCON this weekend?


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Posted: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 01:18 AM UTC
Major G, how is the Academy M48A5 kit ? I have a photo I took of one in Springfield, VT of the VTNG. I think it was at a town fair of some sort. I sent you the pic one time. I have always wanted to build the M48A5, but that was before Academy ever had one. I was going to use the Tamiya M48A3 kit, the upper hull from their M247 kit, and parts left over from a M60A1 kit. Only thing really missing was that Urdan cupola, and the mounting for the twin M60 MG's. Looks like the Academy kit solves that, plus eliminates the need to kitbash. AFV Club has the T-107 track, so that an easy fix. Is the Academy M48A5 kit an accurate model ? It appears on the box art as a South Korean M48K ??
Thanks !
Thanks !

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Posted: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 01:38 AM UTC
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It is based heavily on the Tamiya M48A3 and the upper hull is designed to take the side skirts depicted on the boxtop for the ROK variant. You must cut off the mounting tabs and fill in the gaps using scrap pieces of plastic. The instructions illustrate this.Major G, how is the Academy M48A5 kit ?
It does include all the necessary bits and pieces to do a US M48A5 and the instructions layout the US variant. Included in the kit are the Urdan cupola as well as the standard M48 .50 cal cupola, both the loader and TC's M-60D, two different searchlights, and an optional M2HB .50 cal for the Urdan cupola (which I've never seen in US use, only the M-60D).
The kit includes older chevron style track. From my tanking days in the old 50th Armor Division, our M48A5s used the T-142 tracks as far back as 1984 (I have a photograph taken during rail loading operations during AT in 1984). Although the photograph you sent me has the chevron style track. I guess either type track could be appropriate. My photo is of a MATES vehicle located at Ft. Drum, NY and your photo is one of the home station training tank that normally does not leave the unit armory except for local displays.
These chevron tracks are superior to the Tamiya kit ones included in their old M60A1/A2 and M48A3. The end connector is correctly located straddling two adjacent track blocks instead of being centered on the track block as in the Tamiya kit tracks.
Both your photo and mine show the tank with the larger searchlight mounted.
If you want, I can bring the Academy kit to the next AMPS meeting.

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Posted: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 02:51 AM UTC
Addendum: I found some other photos of when we drew M48A5 tanks at Ft. Drum in 1985. They used the chevron style tracks. I was correct in guessing that either type track could be used to depict a mid-80s National Guard M48A5. I don't think the Regular Army ever used this variant. All photos of the M48A5s that I can identify in personal photographs use the top loading air cleaners that are standard on late model M60 tanks. The Academy kit includes these as well.
Robert, I also have Israeli Urdan cupolas from my vast collection of Esci/AMT/Ertl M60 Blazer kits if you need one. No spare M-60Ds though.
Olaf, thanks for the M48H/CM-11 article.
Robert, I also have Israeli Urdan cupolas from my vast collection of Esci/AMT/Ertl M60 Blazer kits if you need one. No spare M-60Ds though.
Olaf, thanks for the M48H/CM-11 article.


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Posted: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 - 08:38 AM UTC
OK, Sabot, for my old memory's sake, could you pleeeease scan your photos of the 48s and post them in the Motor Pool? I did my first AT in them (gunnery 1988) and, as a newly-minted 2LT, I didn't even think to bring a camera with me that year!

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