First thing I tackled was the power generator by sanding all the details off and adding my own details that closely match the real thing as I can get. I wanted to display power cables coming off the side of the genny running towards a possible CP or some sort of C&C vehicle. There really won’t be another vehicle on the base, just the cables running towards the edge of the base giving the illusion of more behind the radar dish. I have also replaced the rear door with a new one made from plastic since SP dos not really provide a vision port for the door other than some simple lines scribed into it. This kit is pretty basic and simple to build, almost builds it’s self. A lot of sanding a dry fitting it required for this, but just a beautiful kit to have. Unfortunately I’m going to have to rebuild the dish since the one provided in the kit has a lot of air bubble in it and large gaps in the resin the can not be filled.