With a view to guilting myself into getting this finished, i thought i'd post up some shots of my Cromwell Cougar MRAP EOD vehicle.
I started this ages ago (2009 I think) and well never got around to finishing it. I was building 2 actually, one for MMI magazine, one for myself.
I had no problem getting them from Cromwell (no, Gordon didnt pay me to say that!)... and guys please I dont want this thread to degenerate into a flame fest about their service!
So, here are the model shots so far.
I modified the interior - i found some shots online of someone's EOD version of the Cougar, and copied their build. It looks like the crew/dismount seats were removed from the APC version and replaced them with cabinets and a big bench arrangement, i guess for holding the EOD robot, bomb suits etc.

Radios and BFT screen were added from Pro Art models - im sure their mounts arent right, but i wanted something to be seen through the tiny windows

And moving to the outside:
The turret that comes with the kit is very basic, so I replaced it with a Legends GPK turret, which was challenging to get right.. note I havent put the glass in yet, its a NIGHTMARE!

The bent over antenna bases also come from Pro Art

Stowage from MIG - this will eventually be held on by Pro Arts Ratchet straps

Nothing is glued on at this stage, hence the wonky alignment of some parts.
Cant speak highly enough of the kit itself, great detail, little or no flash, and everything fits pretty well together, better than a lot of other resin kits i've built previously.
Hopefully I'll get some more work done this weekend and post some more shots up.