I use Plastructs' Weldene (MEK) and Bondene mainly. Have only just gotten hold of the Tamiya Green Cap and it seems alright.
I used to use Revells Contacta Professional cause of its easy to use needle point applicator and I have used Humbrols Liquid Poly in the past with good results.
For CA I prefer Zap but it was hard to get in Oz for a bit so I have used BSI (Bob Smith Industries) which is the same as Zap.
Bugger, just read the labels on the Plastruct and they say that "This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer". Lucky I'm in the State of Queensland so I'm safe.

Same reason I only smoke cigarettes with the label "Your smoking can harm your unborn baby", bit hard to harm it when its a medical impossibilty for me to get pregnant. But then Arnie did it and he's the Govenor of California. Coincedence maybe?
Cheers, John