I have the DML Ferdinand. They are basically the same vehicle, Dr. Porsche personally supervised the design work and they named it Ferdinand in his honor. A few Ferdinands were modified after use in Russia and then redesignated as Elefants. The modifications were the addition of the cupola from a StuG III Ausf J and a bow machine gun (MG 34) to ward off infantry attacks. Eighty-five Ferdinands were made and out of them, 48 were modified into Elefants.
I haven't even opened the kit I have, so I can't tell you its quality. I do know that it is light years ahead of the old Italeri Elefant, which was/is not a bad kit. Both the Elefant and Ferdinand got good reviews, my only gripe is that they don't give you the option of making either or in one box. They toss 100 extra parts into a Sherman kit, but something that requires less than 10 parts to make multiple variants they do not do