Thanks very much for your feedback, including that of the cables. I will see whether i can live with it, or whether or not to do what you did and replace them with a string item.
For your questions:
Due to the fact that there was resin, plastic, metal, foil, wire, and other materials on the tank, I did prime it using Mr. Surfacer 1000 spray primer in a light gray colour.
The paint is a custom mix from Tamiya acrylics, I really wish I could give you the specifics, but I cannot recall them. I started off with a base coat dark green, and added blues and blacks for the dark green, then added yellows for the lighter camo. After completed, a dark green acrylic filter was applied, then chipping, scratches, followed by a oil dot filter, then raw umber wash.
One of the figures (in blue uniform) is an Alpine Russian Tanker, and the second I had in my spares box that I obtained years ago, and have no idea of the manufacturer. Both were painted with Vallejo.
The dio base is completely scratch built. The contours were built up using insulation foam, sanded smooth, and a layer of celluclay (tinted a dark brown) applied over it, then sprinkled with dirt and small rocks from outside. The part of the river was left as is, and the 'dry' parts are a mixture of mig pigments and chalk pastel. The river are three layers of Envirotex resin poured one over the other. The trees are also scratch built; I went to a arts and crafts store, and found some 'dry vegetation' that is used in flower arrangements. I took a small piece of wood that I found outside and drilled holes all over it. Into these holes I inserted the dry vegetation that I bought. I then sprayed it with spray glue, and sprinkled oregano (on one tree), and another herb on the second tree. When completely dry, they were spray painted with various shades of Tamiya green acrylics.
Good luck on your own T-55. My father served in JNA, and the dio is inspired by a photo that he showed me. Unfortunately I do not have a scan of it to post