Dear Mauro !
I have checked up some Russian sources about Lend-Lease vehicles. The results are here:
1) Most part of Jeeps - Ford, Willys - were delivered in the USSR as "sets for assemblage". These were vehicles, which were assembled on US conveyors and painted, then they have been tested, then they have been disassembled, packed, and delivered to Soviets:

These jeeps in Russia were assembled again on №4 Plant in town Kolomna (Moscow region), and - probably - on GAZ plant in Gorky.
2) So, the Russians had no any necessity to repaint the cars in Russian colours (except for winter periods, when white camouflages were painted - and that not always !).
But, according to memoirs of eyewitnesses, early US vehicles were supplied to Soviets with sand-green colours; some later the vehicles were supplied with khaki or olive drab colours. The exception was - the International trucks and Bantam jeeps for Russia sometimes were painted in dark green colour by US manufacturers. No any camouflage scheme were painted - only one colour on vehicle overall (except tyres). But tanks sometimes were painted really OVERALL - together with tracks and resin bandages on wheels !
3) As one more exception, the Russian colours could be used AFTER the war on military vehicles (the US jeeps were used by Soviet army long enough after the War).
And, of course, the civil owners after the War could repaint their jeeps in any colours (but most part of those colours was, most likely, 4BO, because the civilians did not argue against military colouring of their cars, and they even were proud of it - "I have REAL MILITARY VEHICLE !").
In early Nineties I sometimes saw on roads of our town one private Willys jeep, painted with Russian green colour (most probably, 4BO). It's owner has established completely new body on original Willys chassis, because the original body most probably has rusted and worn out (about fifty years has passed ! - Or the origial body has been broken in road accident). This new body has been made simplified, but it was similar to an original body. This "new" Willys has also closed hard top.
So, I think this.