Pretty cool, over all. I liked the numbers on the barrel - not often seen on builds and only seldom done in real (but there were some, so...!).
That 'faust disturbs me in more ways than one... the already-mentioned seam is a real woof. But, in real life, any German would be staring at it for a different reason: The handle is up, meaning it's "cocked and hot"! Rattle that bad boy around a little and bump it against some hatch-latch or other object, trip that leaver and BANG! All sorts of fun would bust loose - right on deck! Just FYI: a traveling, safe 'faust is handle-down. The rocketeer pulls the handle up to cock his weapon and to use that handle as a sight. He squeezes the latteral portion behind that up-right bit and trips the spring-clapper to fire his round off.
Living dangerously!
Clean up a couple of things and this will be a fine build indeed!