Once more I have to ask for something T-26 related. I have to model a part of the interior of the model and have some trouble to understand the plans -truth is I am not very good with tanks.
So here is some plans and if some of you guys could help me understand what's going on in the green square I draw.
I have a few pictures I found on the net on some T-26 interior showing some big tube going through the hull from front to back, a few pictures of the driving compartment, but I just can't understand what are those grey things that i show on the lower down arrow, looks like some ammunition racks, but I thought those were stocked in the turret (?)
Same thing, what are those things that I show with the up arrow and the top down arrow?

Same thing on this picture, what are the metal bits that are going through the hull? (or out of if)

Thanks for viewing