This is my take on a Soviet M4A2/76. It’s the Academy kit with the following alterations and upgrades:
Lower Hull. Incorrect suspension replaced by correct suspension from Dragon Kit. Cast texture added to transmission cover. Road wheels distressed.
Upper Hull: Sunken welds replaced with sprues welds. Scratch built Metal sand shield attachment strips added. Headlights drilled out. Hull Machine gun replaced with brass barrel. Light and siren guards and Periscope brush guards thinned down. Front and rear cable clamp scratch built. Wire cable added. Drainage holes drilled out.
Turret; Kit gun barrel replaced with metal barrel and muzzle brake, Cast texture added. Machine gun carrying brackets thinned down. Locking lever added to Machine gun pintle..

The plinth/base is a plastic card box set into a photo frame- t6he cobble stone section is from a miniart dio base. The letters are cut out from plastic card with a jeweller’s saw. The spelling for the slogan on the plinth went through a few version before my advisors were happy

The decals are fictitious -given that we have have so few photos of sSoviet Shermans I took some poetic license.
Weathering with paint, inks and pigments. thanks to Eduard Sorokin, Scott Fraser and Dennis Oliver for thgeir help and advice.
Comments welcome