I am building it in honor of my Grandfather who passed away early this year. He was the HQ CO Lt. Col. for the 163rd Armored Cavalry of the Montana National Guard after WWII. In WWII he was one of the famed "Jungleers" of the 41st ("Sunset") division and fought in the Pacific for the duration. He never EVER spoke of the war... he was such a peaceful man. I hope that he would approve of my chosing to build a model representing his time in the MT NG in PEACEtime. He was always very proud of his service for the country.
I have a booklet that was made for that regiment in 1955 and there are a few grainy photos in it which I have scanned an included below. I reduced them and compressed them somewhat.
I also have the only vaguely helpful "Walker Bulldog in Action" book which seems to really concentrate on the variations that were put on the Bulldog's chassis, but nothing about the "domestic" Bulldogs really. ;-)
I am hoping that y'all can help me with any obvious alterations I might need to make to the AFV Club kit as close to what my Gpa worked with? Especially the markings!!! Help!!? For instance, I don't see the US Star in any of these photos. Did the NG not use that marking? In the 5th photo, what approx would you guess all the writing on the turret would be? The AFV Club kit has a decal for "3rd CAV" that goes on the front... would it be somewhat accurate-ish if I just alter that to "163rd CAV" ???? We have an ALPS so I can make my own decals if necessary.
Am I right that these all appear to show the later barrel?
I have written a letter to the MT NG museum in Billings and hope they will be able to assist me, too. My best guess, naturally, is that their letter and reference help will arrive some mere hours after I shoot the last cover coat of dullcote on the finished tank. If so... I can always get a new kit!
Any assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you. Since my Gpa got really ill around last Winter, I just haven't been at the worbench much, and this is my most recent attempt to get back to regularly sniffing adhesives, putty, and so on...

Below is the one I am clueless about what all that writing on the turret might say.

~ Tracy (my first try at a post here, hope I don't screw it up! Apologies if I do!)