One of each version are priority builds for a client, another for a friend and the rest for myself which will finish the latest.
Instead of posting multiple blogs, I'll be keeping all TUSK builds here..thus a Tamiya TUSK II conversion may join in much later on.
I am running late due to my other life commitments but most of the main work at least for my client's tanks are complete, I'm still scratch building the bits and adding small details as well as the photoetch, some from Eduard's.
2 TUSK Is and 1 TUSK II are being built off the Tankograd book.

TUSK I with Mine Roller for myself..
Photos are of work done from months back.
M1A1TUSK I parts..

"OOB" version for a friend

More accurate version for my client..Note the size difference of the frames for the shields.

Tank is going to be camo leaving the shields off for ease of painting sand color..

I'll post photos of the anti-slip modification later..

forward belly armor installed..

Can't remember if I took pics of the parts..but what the heck..
Anyways..following Vonik's M1A2's info..I made the weapon ring's pesky and flimsy but it will rotate. Only after I glue everything in will I figure if I'm going to glue it or not..

Removed the top etch frame for each viewport..for ease of painting, then installing the "glass" then adding the top frame.. I hate to mask!

Positioning the tiles and getting the sides to sit flush enough to the turret were a b*tch. As I couldn't decipher from photos if the main etch piece was to be bend slightly, or angle the resin frames instead..In the end I bend the etch a bit.

There is a discrepancy in both the TUSK I & II side armor bits..the etch parts are either a bit too long or the entire slab of resin tiles are so. Why? Because if you follow the instructions to the eye..then there will be hardly any gap on the rear end and top of the 2nd last armor skirt. I repositioned mine to simulate this best. But it is obvious if you compare to the rear thing.
Still these are very nice kits.
More photos and nit picking later on..