I looked around to find any 1/35 version of the M1009 or any vehicle closely related, but I cannot locate one. Rob kindly pointed out the Chevvy Blazer by Monogram, but this is only available (if you can find one) in 1/24 scale, not in 1/32 or 1/35.
Since there don't seem to be any resin versions of this machine either, I decided to scratchbuild one. If this works well, I might even make resin copies for all who are interested.
The winter comes, the M35 is (almost) completely finished, and I need a new challenge. This is the very thing !
What I need is a series of good pictures of the M1009. I'll try to locate one here in Belgium and take pictures and measurements myself. But I desperately try to find a good plan.
Where could I find one ?
Does anyone have technical manuals of the M1009 or any one of his brothers/sisters ?
A zillion thanks in advance !