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M1114 Frag5 question.
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Napoli, Italy
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 03:50 AM UTC
Hi fellows,
can someone explain me why this steel plate(see circles) is fixed over the frag armor kit?!I've noted that not all the Humvees have this but I don't know why.
I need to add this (to my bronco m1114)to stay correct or I can leave it off?!


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California, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 04:37 AM UTC
That door armor you are seeing is the second Bronco heavy uparmored humvee. If you have the first humvee kit you can leave it the way it is. It all depends on what time period you are doing
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Rhone, France
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 04:40 AM UTC
Hi Ciro

I guess you can even add another armor plate :


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Delaware, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 04:47 AM UTC
Point is, dude, that the addition of the second armor plate is based on time period of manufacture, that's all. The added plate is a later enhancement. So it's up to you to put it on or leave it off, I for one put mine on
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Napoli, Italy
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 04:53 AM UTC
Hi fellows,
thank you!!great pic Frenchy...so,can someone say me the timeframe referring to the add-on of the steel plate?!
I suppose the the add-on armour on the Frenchy pic is a some time before the application of this steel plate....Frenchy do you have other similar photos?!
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Massachusetts, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 05:38 AM UTC
I cant confirm this with actual experience with THIS version of armor plating, but I can say that it LOOKS to me like that bottom pocket would be for the window to go down into. Previous versions of the doors had the window sliding back and forth on tracks, held in place by a spring loaded pin. The problem was that the pin very often dislodged itself or didnt engage, and the 50 pound block of window would come flying forward (usually cutting off or breaking the hand of the person sitting in the seat.)

Like I said, I dont have personal experience with the new version shown, but I DO have experience with the doors and stuff on the 1151s, and looking at these new doors, there is some kind of mechanism behind the windows where they would normally slide back... hope it helps!
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Rhone, France
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 05:58 AM UTC
Here's another picture showing the added rusty-looking armor on the doors :

Both this picture and the one I've posted before have been taken in October 2007 (AFAIK by the same photographer)

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Delaware, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 01, 2011 - 05:16 PM UTC
I'd give a timeframe of post-2007 as to the formal addition of plates onto the doors. And seeing as the Frag kit 5 wasn't implemented too long before then, it would mean that there's a relatively small window of time when the original doors would have been in production. That said, obviously there would exist some units that didn't get their doors fitted with the new plates. I've also seen a bunch of Croat Humvee's without them, so they both exist in-theater currently. I say go with which one you like the look of better
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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2011 - 03:03 AM UTC
Hi guys, as an NCO who was in a unit in Baghdad that went through the transition from the spaced armor added to standard M1114s to the full Frag 5 with GPK' I can tell you the time frame can be from around November 2006 on. Brian is right about the windows opening downward.Frenchy I believe the HMMVW in your first may be from my old unit, the 759th MP BN. The rusty box on the bottom of the back door is a form of add-on armor one of our NCOs came up with. It was merely a box made of sheet metal and filled with sand, it slid into the gap underneath the door armor and the window casing. kind of like a tape cassette.
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Delaware, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2011 - 06:16 AM UTC
Guys, what the OP is asking is about the plates that are added ON TOP of the Frag kit 5 doors [see below]. I'm not the best authority on that, or when that variation arose [or why really].

[also, am a fool for linking pictures so apologies if this fails ]
Removed by original poster on 07/02/11 - 17:17:55 (GMT).
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Napoli, Italy
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Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2011 - 06:33 AM UTC
Neulingkerl is right but is also intersting to know how soldiers fixed problems and the stories behind some kind of modifications.
If anyone has frag5 modified pics can share them with us?!

thank you to all that have write!!


Ciro Riccio
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Rhone, France
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Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2011 - 07:00 AM UTC

Quoted Text

also, am a fool for linking pictures so apologies if this fails

Here it is :


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Michigan, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 02, 2011 - 08:40 AM UTC
Those are the window wells. The windows are two inch thick laminated glass and need a rather large space to fit in when they're lowered.