assembly is pretty straightforward, the biggest issues by far were associated with the suspension. If you follow the instructions the only thing holding each bogey together is a couple of tiny drops of CA on the P.E piece and friction.
and speaking of the kit P.E, most of it is compleletly unnecessary. the engine grill is nice but the rest could have easily been made out of plastic, especially the suspension bits. they did not work for me at all.
having said all that, everything goes together nicely, and there are no major gaps or fit problems to speak of . the upper and lower hull pieces leave a major seam but most of it is covered by the sponsons.
what i had figured would be a major PITA was the antenna on the turret, but it was not too bad to get lined up at all. the turned aluminum barrels are a nice touch as well.
hopefully i can get some paint on it in the next few days (the fun part) I still havent decided if I am going to do it in some WHIFF markings or just the straight grey of the real thing