If you ever wanted to try a plaster kit but were afraid to try it because you didn't know the best way to glue it together & paint/weather wait no further. I wrote this easy to understand, step by step tutorial as a way of introducing modelers to plaster kits & will be glad to answer any questions you may have about this kind of kit as well.
The main thing people tell me over and over again is how simple this type of kit is to assemble. Most of our kits can be basically glued together & ready for paint (the fun part) in about 15 minutes.
Special offer! For each order I get before 8/1/11 I'll throw in an extra set of cast rubble & bricks (a $12 value) & a sample of our laser cut bullet hole glass at no charge!
Randy Pepprock
www.dioramasplus.com (website)
[email protected] (email)