Inspired by Mr. Rutman's horse I started this model after having it had in my stash for over a year.
The horses were easy enough, though the harnasses could have been easier and giving a more natural look if they would have been supplied seperately (like Historex does/did). Now they follow the body lines, which is not always according reality. But with thin lead foil one can get far enough!
Assuming that this gun troop was on the road in the summer, it seems less likely that they would wear their helmets.
Question 1: where did riders put their helmets than? Or was there no standard solution?
Question 2: Am I right that Russian gunners' hair cut was standard 'bold'? ( thus allowing a variety of Hornet heads) Or would stubble hair fit as well (Hornet HH/41)
Question 3: Until when were the early style helmets worn? And were they in use by gunners?
Thanks in advance for helping me out,
The only thing I have to figure out is getting the photos on this site............