A couple of months ago, i got 2 sets of Masterbox's "Scotland the Brave" and thought that i would build one of the pipers pretty much, out of the box with some extras from the spares box and the other one, based on the photo from the 15th Scottish Division during operations in normandy.
The piper as on the sprue is to all intents and purpose a Highland regt piper, most likely Black Watch from the hackle. However the plastic is v soft and was easily carved out and replaced with a patch and capbadge formed from green stuff. However there is a glaring ommision on the headdress, and that is the toorie, which is the Small bobble seated in the centre of the hat and is representative of the thistle. That and the lack of waterbottles and other kit.
The kilt has been painted as Royal Stewart with the body of the pipes being done in Hunting Stewart, as these were tartans worn by The Royal Scots, (The Royal Regiment) With the basic uniform markings being that of 7th/9th Bn The Royal Scots, 155 bde, 52 Lowland Division(Mountain) late 1944/ early 45. These were also known as the "Dandy 9th" as they were the only RS Bn to were Kilts.
Unfortunately, pipers rarely wore the kilt in battle during the latter part of the war, though some units allowed the pipers to wear them. To this end, i matched the body from the piper with legs from one of Tamiya british on patrol soldiers. The TOS was removed with much pain, as the knife slipped and knicked my finger. The head was filed and a helmet was found ( its still on its sprue). Again the Equipment needed came from my spares box. This piper will be set on a small vignette with a patrol behind.
As more work is done to both figures, pics will be posted.
Hope they please and any points please add them as we can only learn from direction.